Getting Started

Resources for Home Education

You can choose to spend as much or as little as you desire on resources for home education.  It is completely your preference.  Many resources can be homemade and cost practically nothing, particularly if fashioned from recycled materials.  However you may choose to invest in pre-made educational games and tools if you are educating a number of children and would like the resource to be used extensively over many years.

Classroom type equipment can include:

  • Paper
  • Work books
  • Crayons
  • Coloured pencils
  • Paint and brush
  • Scissors, glue and general craft supplies
  • Counters for maths
  • Dice
  • Cards
  • Books and a library card
  • A computer with internet

Specialised equipment:

  • Wool and handwork materials
  • Pocket knife
  • Musical instrument
  • Membership to local clubs, groups or organised sporting activities

Technology equipment:

  • Hammer and nails
  • Kitchen measuring cups, spoons, bowls etc
  • Wood or other natural materials for construction
  • Ingredients for baking
  • Access to the outdoors for play and exploring

Parents using Functional Education as their home school platform will find a list of hands-on resources required for each week at the start of the weeks lessons. Almost always, the resources are things you would find around the home.

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