
Homeschooling Neurodiverse Children

Discover the Functional Education Advantage for Neurodivergent Learners

At Functional Education, we recognize that traditional classrooms often do not cater to all learning styles, especially for neurodivergent students who may feel unsupported by conventional educational systems. That’s why our online platform is specifically designed to embrace and enhance the strengths of neurodivergent learners, ensuring they thrive and achieve their full potential.

We work closely with New Zealand based Autism experts from and to ensure our courses work well for neurodiverse

Why Parents Choose Functional Education:

  1. Optimized Learning Environments: We utilize high-contrast blackboards with white chalk to improve visual clarity, aiding students with visual processing differences. This approach is supported by research indicating that high-contrast visuals can enhance attention and engagement in learners with sensory sensitivities. More about sensory accommodations can be found in this study on classroom modifications for attention and engagement.
  2. Distraction-Free Learning: Our platform minimizes background noise, providing a quieter environment that is essential for students who are sensitive to auditory distractions. This setting helps improve concentration and is aligned with findings that suggest a controlled sensory environment benefits learning outcomes for neurodivergent students, as detailed in sensory integration research.
  3. Consistent and Predictable Routines: Functional Education offers a stable learning environment with consistent routines, sets, and teachers. This predictability supports neurodivergent learners, who often thrive on routine, as noted in studies on the benefits of structured educational approaches here.
  4. Flexibility and Personalization: We provide flexible due dates to accommodate the diverse executive functioning capabilities of our students. This flexibility helps reduce stress and allows students to engage with materials at their own pace, a practice supported by research on the positive impacts of individualized learning schedules discussed in this publication.
  5. Engagement on Their Terms: Encouraging students to pursue topics that interest them allows for deeper engagement and exploration, an approach that is crucial for neurodivergent learners. The benefits of interest-driven learning are well-documented, such as in this study on personalized education.
  6. Development of Essential Skills: Our curriculum includes daily activities aimed at developing fine motor skills and practical tasks, which are vital for holistic development. Research underscores the importance of incorporating fine motor skills into learning for cognitive development, as explored here.
  7. A Rich Variety of Learning Choices: Offering a wide range of topics ensures that every student can find subjects that resonate with their interests and strengths, keeping learning engaging and effective. The advantage of a diverse curriculum is highlighted in studies on educational choice.
  8. Tailored to Their Needs: Combining the best aspects of Waldorf and Montessori principles, our platform balances rhythm and routine with the flexibility to adapt lessons to meet individual needs. This balanced approach helps each student navigate their educational journey effectively, as supported by research on hybrid educational models.

Join Us and Experience the Difference

Explore how Functional Education can transform the educational experience for your child, making it more engaging, enjoyable, and effective. Join us in redefining education for neurodivergent learners. Together, we can ensure your child not only learns but thrives!

Homeschool the easy way - with Functional Education!

Up to 2 hours of lessons a day, plus hands on activities means you can easily give your child a quality education at home.

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