Can't get into a Steiner or Montessori school?

Let your child enjoy the benefits of these fantastic teaching methods by learning online.

Learn from home and start anytime. No waiting lists!

Book a FREE call now.

You don't have to go mainstream

There are hundreds of Montessori and Waldorf early childhood centers across New Zealand and Australia, but only a few primary schools.

Having to send your child to a mainstream state school, after discovering fantastic learning methods like Waldorf Steiner and Montessori is frustrating.

Thanks to FunctionalEducation, now you have an option...

A new way to learn from home

Functional Education offers a complete schooling solution for your child. The entire New Zealand curriculum, delivered online, by a qualified teacher with over 10 years experience in a Steiner school.

Since 2018 New Zealand parents have chosen to use Functional Education to deliver a positive education to their children, and the results are fantastic!

"I just wanted to email you and tell you how much we are enjoying functional education! My daughter is so keen to get into her school work each day she has been doing classes on the weekend. It really is working very well for us, thank you so much!"

- another Grateful parent

using technology safely

Functional Education is not an on-line repository of videos, and loosely associated video games for children to play. We don’t use cartoons or computer games disguised as learning activities.

There are no chat rooms, messaging apps, ads or avatars. The Functional Education platform is for learning. Your child will watch their teacher deliver a lesson, filmed in a special classroom studio, and pause the video to do activities like spelling, writing, draw, craft & maths. Each days lessons will build on the previous day, and having the same teacher for every video provides a natural rhythm for your child. They'll enjoy getting to know their teacher over weeks and months.

Meet Francean, your childs new teacher

A qualified scientist, herbalist and teacher, she believes that every child deserves the opportunity to learn in a safe, encouraging environment, one where learning is exciting, and students graduate not only well educated academically, but socially resilient, with the ability to tackle problems logically. Functional Education was born to bring this dream into reality.

Fran loves to help families transition into this new way of learning at home. There is an online support group available for parents, where you can chat directly with Francean and other parents using the Functional Education platform.

what subjects are covered?

Every day, your child's lessons will include every core subject of the New Zealand curriculum:

  • Maths
  • English
  • The Arts
  • Science
  • Technology

Wait.. isn't homeschooling a lot of work for parents?

Homeschooling your child is not hard, when you use Functional Education.

Your child will learn from a qualified teacher via pre-recorded videos, pausing to do hands on activities throughout their lessons. You may like to sit with your child at first, but they will soon be able to learn independently for 2-3 hours per day.

A proven teaching method

Our approach takes the best of Waldorf Steiner, Montessori and enquiry teaching methods. Waldorf and Montessori schools have been around for over one hundred years.

There are more than 2000 schools worldwide operating in over 200 countries. These systems are proven to work. They provide a well-researched, well documented educational curriculum suitable for a wide range of learners.

Graduates of these learning systems are held in high regard globally for their creativity, academic rigour and their personable approach to working in team environments.

Functional Education takes the best from the Waldorf and Montessori systems and combines it with the latest in enquiry based modern learning producing an outstanding curriculum without the politics of a traditional schooling environment.

Fantastic feedback from parents!

Everything is covered, my child was engaged and excited to do lessons each day and it took a lot of the planning time and preparing resources each day away for myself which is fabulous!

- Happy Home-School Mum

My son found it easy to understand, not rushed, there was plenty of time to process information and his teacher was animated and his words, “my teacher isn’t boring!”

- Mum & Trained Teacher

I really like how the video can be paused and replayed. My favourite part was the daily gratitude activity. Brilliant idea, something I intend to continue.

- thankful parent

what does it cost?

The first week is FREE. After that, subscribing to the Functional Education curriculum costs NZ$29 a week, per student, billed monthly.

There are discounts for larger families, or parents wanting to subscribe to single subjects only.

Schedule YOUR FREE call NOW

We understand that your child's education is important to you, and you probably have questions about how our platform can work for your families specific needs. Francean McCall, teacher and founder of Functional Education has made time available for FREE, no obligation calls with parents.

Make a positive step for your childs future, and book a call now.

Book a FREE call with Fran Now

frequEntly asked questions

What equipment will I need for my child?

As well as a device connected to the internet (laptop, smart TV, mobile phone, tablet etc.) your child will need some items each week. These are usually things found around the home like: books to write in, coloured pencils, play dough, dice, playing cards etc. You will find an equipment list at the start of each weeks lessons.

Is this a faith based course?

No. Functional Education teaches children gratitude, to care for their environment, to respect others, and live in awe of the world around them. It's suitable for children from all backgrounds and cultures.

When does the course start?

You can start your child anytime. Lessons are currently available for children aged between 5 and 10 years old.

What about social interaction?

It is important that your child interacts with other kids a similar age. Sports groups, drama classes, school holiday programs, art and craft groups, reading clubs, play dates, and even homeschool social groups are fantastic ways to allow your child to grow positive social skills. Over 3,000 families homeschool in New Zealand, so there's probably a local homeschool group near you. It is not a case of hiding children from the ‘real world’ and wrapping them up in cotton wool so that they never experience the negative situations in life.  It is more a case of opening the world up to your children, allowing them to discover and interact with the world in a positive way. Educating your children at home means they become independent big picture thinkers, confident and self-motivated to learn and with a thirst to immerse themselves in the world amongst all ages, cultures and backgrounds and to see the world with observant eyes, not biased judgements limited to standardised opinions.

I have more questions!

Get all your questions answered in a FREE, no obligation call with Francean, the owner and founder of Functional Education.

Book a call with Fran